Saturday, April 15, 2006

Language Day pics

Some wonderful pictures of Language Day:

Here we have a skit from Monty Python, where another English teacher is gracefully playing the witch in the scene.

The Japanese teacher brought some kimono for the students taking Japanese to sing a song. They are so cute.

My 9a class won the competition with this dance from Hair.
I did participate in a dance with one class to Backstreet's Back, but I don't have any pictures right now because I was dancing, but that means more to come...

Monday, April 10, 2006


Just thought I would share this picture that has been floating around church, from a guy named Láci. He writes:
This amazing photo was published in a magazine called Nature, and you can see as 3 dogs kill a wild crocodile in a Californian town.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Duna Flood

Well, Spring is definitely here, but little did I know that it meant flood season. While the sky is bright and sunny, somehow the Dunube river grows and grows, covering the park and getting closer and closer to restaurants and houses. Apparantley, the long winter and all the snow, then the sudden sunshine makes all the snow on top of the mountains in Austria and even Germany flood our Danube, and our little city. Here are some amazing pictures of our town.

This used to be the park. Instead of walking to the gazebo, now you need a boat.

Sidewalks and streets everywhere are being closed off. It's hard to get anywhere.

These people quietly survey the damage, standing in their backyards, praying the water doesn't raise any higher and flood their homes. Some have tried to blockade the water with loads of sandbags, but the waters are getting higher everyday. Some, however, put on their alligator boots and play!

Check out all my pictures in my album Duna Flood by clicking ALL PICTURES on the side bar there. It's quite a sight!