Monday, March 31, 2008

"Great" Answers to the Erettsegi

In Hungary, every student has to take a comprehensive exam of all their coursework to pass high school. There is an oral part to the English section, where students have to debate controversial topics. I’ve been trying to practice with some students, and we came up with some “great” answers to score big points on the exam:

Q: Should hunting be banned?
- Csaba: People are always going to hunt, because the world sucks, so Eh? (with shrug of the shoulders)
- Me: Great response to any question on the exam. Works as the answer to just about everything. The world is always going to suck. Won’t score you any points, though.
- Dani: We should stop hunting and just start eating people.
- Me: A little bit like recycling if you eat your grandmother after she dies. Acceptable in some cultures.
- Dani: Why should we wait until they’re dead?

Q: Should we stop industry from cutting down the Amazon Rainforest?
- Me: Why should we care if it’s cut down? What happens when the Rainforest is all gone?
- Richard: America will start attacking another country, collaborating with Chuck Norris, and believe they’re doing something.
- Me: laughing, unable to speak


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